Monday, October 9, 2017

Last class this week!

Hi All,

Just a reminder that it's our last class this week (determined by popular vote!).

See you at 2pm in the AGSU room.

Other students will be available to try out your VRE and fill in your survey; these are critical for you to write the final report.



Moving something along a spline

Hi All,

Ieva wanted to move a skeletal mesh actor (i.e. a mesh that has animation driven by a skeleton embedded in it) smoothly around her scene ... I found this tutorial which explains how to do it very well; too good not to share!


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Toggling Post Processing Volumes and Blueprint Interfaces

Hi All,

Here is a tutorial combining two other peoples tutorials to achieve a toggling post process effect when you pick up a particular item in your VRE.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.



Wednesday, September 20, 2017

And the Winner is ...

Hi All,

After some furious last minute voting, Wednesday the 11th of October has won the poll for our last class.

We'll be back in the AGSU room from 2-6pm on that day.

Bring your VRE's ready to go and you'll have a willing group of participants to try it out and fill in your survey.

This means the final hand in for assignment two will be pushed back the same amount ... so the new due date for that is October 29th.



Tuesday, September 19, 2017

VR in the First Person Template and replacing Teleporting

Hi All,

There are a few of you who have started projects using the First Person Template and would like to use it in VR.

You have several options, each with particular advantages or opportunities:

1. You could "migrate" the content (this could be the environment you have made with all the different assets within it) from your first person template project to an existing or new project you've created using the VR template; like below:

With this option you'll be able to teleport around and pick up objects as in the standard VR project template.

2. You could enable the VR motion controllers in the First person template; like the below:

If you do this you'll get the VR gun rather than the VR hands that you get in the standard VR template project. This could be useful, but there is yet another option ...

3. You could modify the standard motion controller pawn to have a movement component rather than the standard teleporting function; like the below:

This could produce a more natural movement through your VRE.


(P.S. don't forget the poll on the right!)


Monday, September 18, 2017

Vote to select the last day of class

Hi All,

You'll see a poll to the right which asks you to vote for your preferred day for the last class.

On that day you'll need your VRE ready for other students to experience. They will then fill in your MEC questionnaire.

As agreed last week, we'll go with the class that has the most votes.



Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Your MEC Presence Survey

Hi All,

I've modified the first two questions of the MEC Presence survey so you can use it in Assignment Two, I've changed them to:

Who created the VRE?

(Put the students name who created the VRE here)


Participant Students Name?

(Put the name of the student filling out the survey here)

Follow this link to make a copy of the survey on your own Google Drive:

You could delete the first question and include your name in the title section if you wanted to make your spreadsheet neater in the end, but it's not critical.

